

Playo brand

Playo, one of the world’s largest sports communities partnered with Symbo to introduce Fitness insurance to their users and saw attachment rate of 15%.

About Playo:

Playo builds curated turfs and playgrounds that anyone from any walk of life can access for sports, fitness, and recreation. It caters to a variety of sports including football, cricket, badminton and tennis. Playo has expanded internationally to become one of the world’s leading sports turf providers.

Stats Till Now

10 % +
Overall attachment rate
Implementation period in weeks
0 %
Increase in Avg. order value
6 Lac +
Policies Sold till date


Symbo’s fitness insurance secures players from fractures, ligament tears, and other injuries that may occur while playing sports. Fitness insurance specially caters to Playo’s use-case and has garnered great response from users.

The Challenge:

Playo’s turf booking service was highly successful with its user base. The challenge, however, was adding value to their offering while securing their customers as they play. Symbo worked closely with the team at Playo to understand the various segments that Playo caters to and designed an embedded insurance product that is centered around the risks faced by the users while they are playing the sport.

Symbo Solution & Impact:

Fitness insurance is specially designed to cover people that love to play or work out. This insurance product is offered as an add-on option while a turf is being booked. Fitness insurance covers customers against fractures, ligament tears, and other injuries arising while playing sports. It provides comprehensive coverage to sportspersons when they need it the most during the play time. The innovative product cover the players for the entire duration of the play.Symbo and Playo’s partnership has seen a attachment rate of 15%.

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